Saturday, May 12, 2012


Dear internet,

In my 2.5 years of putting naked pictures of myself online, I have had the distinct pleasure of making hundreds of men cum in one-on-one cam sessions and phone calls. I can remember all of the special guys, their quirks and characters, and their beautifully unique takes on the male penis, which I adore and crave. I have made tender friends, critics and admirers, mutual masturbators, naked cuddlers, owners, riders, manly dominators, gentle sensitive touchers and feelers, and more. If we havent met yet, I am always open to new experiences, challenges, and fetishes in my quest to satisfy. I'm just a skype chat or e-mail away from making your fantasies and desires as real as I can! Thank you all very much in helping me do what I love to do! I will continue to use my body as a temple to worship the male penis in all of it's forms, shapes, sizes, colors.

I just wanted to take this time to give you all a warm internet hug.

(And there is that other part of me that wants to drop to my knees afterward and give each of you an thank you blowjob)

Your truly, from head to toe and every bit in between,



  1. WOW .. Thank you baby... We come here to see your fantastic body & lovely personality ... You are open & truthful all the time & SEXY as FUCK :) .... Internet hug ... I love it .. We love it .. Keep being you baby

    OH and would love to see you give a Blow Job to every dude that has cum thinking of you... That would be the biggest Orgy ever hahaha

    we love you ... & love your sexy

  2. I could not begin to give back to you all the pleasure you have given me although I would love to give it a try :) You are one of the most open and beautiful and sensuous men on the internet. I've come across a lot of guys that come and go but you have always been there to get me hard and make me cum and make me happy. You are not only gorgeous to look at but you are funny and intelligent and a pleasure to know. You are the best and I will always be a huge fan. Oh and a big Thank YOU!

  3. Wow dude, i found your blog when i was watching some xtube.
    You are more then 100% hot, but the most atractive is your creativity, your openes, senuality, humor...
    love, your blog is in my favorites, so i am gona reed it often from now on.

    kiss from belgium
