Sunday, April 15, 2012
I arrived to see Nak sitting on the couch mastrabating. He knew he was not to do that at all. He was a bad boy, and as such the boy need to learn a lesson. And be a better slave slut. If not his ass would be sold to the highest bidder without regard to looks or action.
Naks cock throbbed a bit at the tone of my voice I knew he liked a strong man, I thought he didn't know just how strong I was going to be. This was not the first offence in his training. It would be his LAST!
I walked quickly across the room and pulled him up be his wrists. He stood befor me questioning the force. He had underestimated me. He saw me now as a master, not just the owner.
I sat down in his warm place. My Cargo shorts riding up uncovering my knees. I pulled Nak down and forced him across my legs. Ass up.
His cock, softens, but still at full length fell between my legs. I adjusted him and me legs to where that brown cock touched My skin.
I raised my hand and quickly come down on the hairless ass I loved. I brown skin became bronse from the slap. The sound filled the air. Blood refilled Naks cock. Blood rushed to my cock.
"Yes, Sir." " I did wrong."
"Did I say you could SPEAK?"
A shake of the head, no...
" You are mine. You will always be mine. Even if I sell you, YOU WILL BE MINE !"
I can feel Naks dripping pre-cum on my leg. Its his hold on me, His body, smell and flavor have become my food.
I close my legs and catch his cock in the vice of muscle. I firmly caress the Bronse mounds of the ass. Fingers and thumbs probing between the mounds. I spit at it and with the lube of my mouth I rub ass and hole.
"I will not fuck you untill I am sure you know your lesson." I continue teasing your ass and hole.
A small sound from you comes, just enough so I know those words sunk in.
Maybe you will be a good boy/slut/slave. Maybe you will learn.
Your cock is at full diamond hardness. So is mine. I slip my hand to my fly and unzip. I pop up hard and pink. A spiderweb of pre-cum stretching from my belly and shorts to the full head.
I find the lube you had.
I pour some on your ass. Hoping it makes the sting a bit more full. SMACK!
It sounds louder. it looks wet. It makes me hurt with hardness to look at your ass shiny red and "ready".
I pull up up, letting go of your cock from my thigh vice. It slaps straight up.
I pull you to my lap. sit you down. My cock slips in the valley from the lube.
Tear, just one, "My I?"
"I'm Sorry I couldn't wait. I accept my spanking. Please don't sell me. I will learn and please you...."
I pinch your nipples. I run my hands under your arms. I pull your head back by your hair and make you look at me directly.
"You have one chance, only one chance. You will be my slut. you will bath me, suck me, lick me, and take my cock deep in your ass anytime I want."
"You will not jerk off. Ever. You may only touch your cock when you piss. When you cum, it will be because I want you to"
"Disobey me and you will be gone."
You nod. my cock, hard, presses against the hole. Freshly shaved, silk, and open. I press in. Your eyes go soft, submissive, loving.
We rock, softly, i slip in and out, you leak like a running faucet, each movement of my cock bringing on more liquid from your cock. The head full, Matching the head deep inside.
I cum. I jerk. I cum again, shot after shot. You knowing your place ask.
"My I, Sir?"
"Yes, boy."
You erupt with a force that shoots over our heads against the wall. Forever to be the marks of a lesson learned.
I kiss you and whisper, " Good boy".
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