Monday, March 26, 2012

A story from Bruce!

 My boy say's he is I set out to look for the proof. I know he loves, and i do mean LOVES to get fucked, so I just had to see if he liked the female as much as he like what I offered.
 By the way, his name is Nak...
 Ya, that's him...
 This is the events of the day I knew for sure....

 Afternoon. Class over. Nak is due by for a visit...Sue is laying about in the guest tiny undies and a sweet lacy bra...
I am in my Nak outfit. The one he likes so much... business daddy....
Ya, he enjoys the game and visual...a nice conservative suit hiding a 8 inch, thick cock....and boxers with the future of precum just makes him nuts....

Nak comes by once a week. After class. In sport kit. Shorts, jock, high sox, mesh shirt over athletic tee. Sometimes sneaks, sometimes cleats. sometimes barefoot with foot-gear slung over his shoulder...

Today the cleats are on, usually means he wants to dig in his feet for a hard deep ass fucking. The kind that he feels till the next week when ever he sits...

But I have some ideas of my own....he is going to have some pussy with his ass pounding...prove to me he is bi....

 "Hay Boy. How was class?"

 "It was OK."

 "Need a shower?"

 " Please."

" I see you put your cleats back on..."
 " Yes Daddy...You look nice in that suit."
 " Thanks."
 " Let me see how clean you are Boy."
 " Daddy...."
 " Taste great Boy, Clean and sweet."
I know when Nak has his cleats he just wants sex, no romance, just hard sex.

 "Daddy, Your pants are lumpy, right here...."
 " See what's the cause Boy."
 "MMMM, Blue boxers, wet. What is the wet spot?"
 " Taste it and see."
 " Salt, Sweet, Bitter. More. I want MORE!"
He pulls down the boxers wet with my liquid essence and his spit and takes my cock between his lips. Eyes looking up at me for approval.

 " Ya Boy. Nice. Get me wet and ready."
I know Nak has had an attraction for Sue for a lone time and has not done anything about it.

I lead him to the guest room. By his dripping foreskin. He knows I love his cock as much as I do his ass...
The wet foreskin and brown nuts always make me want him like I need air.

"Hi Nak."
" FUCK!"

Sue is ready for our plan. She has liked Nak a long time and knows he likes me so she is willing to be here now...

I think she may be as much a slut as my Boy is...

Now is the time for Nak to get his...

"Bend over Boy. Give me your ass to eat. I want to make it wet and ready."
" Daddy!? With Sue here?"
 " Yes."

Sue looks on as I take Nak and bend him and tung his ass, spitting at it and probing every part.

She rubs her panties and slips fingers under them to her pussy. Moaning...

Sue slips them off

Nak's eyes open wide

Sues pussy is pink and wet and open...
Just as is my Boys ass...

I slip in my hard cock, Nak moans. and I push him to Sue. Now or never.

My cock deep and hard in him, I push his face to Sue's pussy. Nak will eat her or admit for all time he is queer. And only Queer.

He licks. He nuzzles. He asks to fuck Sue as I fuck him.'

Sue slide down and because Nak has all of me deep she parts her legs and takes in all of him.

My Boy is now sandwiched.

And shaking.

His ass is hotter and tighter than I remember it ever being.

He will have all my cum soon.

I know where his sweet spot is, I find it and know as he throws back his head I hit it every thrust.
Sue's eyes are glassy and rolling, she is just on the verge.

One deep push in Nak's sweet ass and he explodeds deep in Sue.
Sue Screams like a distant train and convulses with joy as she cums...
I grind Nak's ass and cum with a blindind hot cum that makes me weep...

Ya, Nak might just be bi after all...

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