Friday, August 5, 2011

A story Bruce Brown wrote about us

" Come on Sweet Treat, WALKIES! "  Sweet Treat or ST as he is sometimes known picks up his collars and comes running to me. 

 I give ST a big hug and brush your hair from your face, exposing your lips for my kiss. My hand runs down the back of your head "petting": the long full black hair, pulling it also to the side so the collar can be fitted to the brown skinned neck of my boy Sweet Treat.
 This collar matches in colour the eyes, black and deep in shade, not the black empty, but the black full. Full of fun, lust, love and trust.  I place the collar around your neck, pulling the leather strap snug against your adams apple. Your eyes, the deepest I have ever seen, speak to me in their own voice. "I am yours alone, we have right now" 

The shorts you were wearing slip down to the floor. your soft brown cock waits it's own collar. One of red. Silver snaps. Your shiver is one not of cold, but of desire, need, you lean into me and sigh. 

 I lift the full sack, newly shaved, silk skin in my hand. The red on the brown is a decorators dream match. The collar fits snug as did the black one. 

"Get your shoes ST, you can't go out naked." Your run up the stairs and come back with your high tops. Black with red laces. My Puppy must match and look fine for his walk. 

This ritual of walkies always makes me want you. 

I put your shoes on and tie the laces, noting your cock is getting fuller. not so the head pokes from its cover, but just so I know you also want me. 

I fell my cock hardening against the linen of my slacks. I freeballed today. You unbutton the top shirt buttons, inhale and lick my spot. Your spot. Just below the neck at the chest top. I twitch hard. Sweet Treat knows just where and how...

St's shorts kicked aside, the door open, we leave. A warm dusk waits for us. The air fragrant with the night air filling the yard. Your dark skin slips in easily to the dusk. My light skin more prominent in the evening light. Your nakedness embraced by the last rays of the day. My body still sheathed in the uniform of the day. It's button down shirt, the linen slacks, the ever present cowboy boots. My stand against the uniform. My boots. 

 With the collar I put the leash on. One in each. The lead for the neck in the metal loop. The tag chinks against it. Tag States " ST is owned and loved by one"  The second lead fits on the collar itself. Its cool metal around the ring of leather close to the skin of your cock. 

I step on the grass, leading you, you walk taller on evenings like this. you smile sly. Like you want to know your watched. Your ass rocks more side to side as you walk, like a signal of readiness. an invitation in...

We never go far on our walks. Just around the yard mostly. If it's especially dark maybe down the street.

 Mr. Johnson Is kind of a looker. He's lived here a long time and keeps an eye on everything. You know he watches you. He's waved and smile smirked as you and we have driven by. He lives next door. 

You get taller and strut if you think he's watching. You know the old man wants to see you. See us. See the deed...

 It is very dark now. The sun set and no moon is out. It's the darkest night summer can have. Warm, cloudy, Deep Dark. We find our way to the street. you lead. I pull back on the cock lead, it pulls between your elegant legs. Your balls and cock now pulling back to me, you moan, you stop. I lead now. your cock lead is pulled through to the front. slack. I use the neck lead now. your cock is becoming erect and I want you to wait. I'll pull that later again. 

I lead you up the street a bid. Just to the yard boundary. The light at Mr. Johnsons house goes out. I know he see us. I know he sees you!  You call me Daddy sometimes, and now grandaddy see's you too. You don't want him, but you enjoy him wanting you. So do I. 

Knowing he is behind the curtin makes me hard. I can feel my cock getting caught in tthe folds of my pocket fabric. Hitching you the pant leg. We stop. I adjust. You come close and run your hand up the ridged form of my cock. we both see the curtin shake. 

I kiss your cheek and feed you my finger to suck for the show. your cock is full on up. Its head pulled free of it's cover. I tug the red lead and you suck my finger deeper. 

We turn home. Your ass now firm and ready. It shows as you walk. The linen of my pant is wet with secretion. Into our drive we turn. 

Mr J. has a view over the hedge from his second floor. We fell him watching in the dark. Knowing he can not see much more than our shadows essence. I pull you to the car. It's trunk deck cool in the nights dark. I place both leads over the antenna on the trunks deck.

I face you to the car and pull your hips to me. Ass cheeks part. I hold your hips with my hands and guide you farther from the antenna. Taking all the slack from the leads. your cock full and bright with its fullness. Your neck straight in the black collar. your hips in my hands. Mr. J watching...

 I unzip. The zipper is loud in the silent night. I am erect for you. I am bright red for you. I have fire in my cock that only you can put out. 
Put out with your Sweet Treat ass...

I Drool on my cock. I rub it in the valley of your cheeks. Your slick from our walk. Slick with desire. I drool again at my target. The cock head on the brown wrinkle of your ass. I slide in. 1 inch, the head enter. 2 inch the smooth shaft begins. 3ed inch you sigh. 4th inch you moan. 5th inch, you push for more. 6th inch you feel my pubs on you ass. 7, 8! your home. Mr J. is breathing we can hear him. I pull out, almost all the way and in one easy slide renter. Mr J stops breathing. Your cock is drooling on the car bumper. Mine is drooling deep in you. No stopping for me and Sweet Treat. 

The rhythm established. The time passes. Both ready for the final pump, not wanting it to come. Body response takes over. Your Cum covers the bumper. Your ass tightens on my cock pulling my cum from deep in my balls. I fill you. Your ass is so good I tear. I lay forward on you. Holding you. Still firm deep inside. I hold on. We are still for a long time. I soften and slip from your inside. you soften on your cover folds over your cock head. I take the leads from the antenna and laugh. Pull you to the house. My cock hanging limp out of the zipper. We go inside. Sated. Hungry. Ready to bathe. Pleased with each other. 

Mr. J watched as we left this morning. A smile came to his face. A glint in his eye. A wave from his hand. He knows we know.....

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