Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Another story by Bryan

Bryan wrote this after seeign a set I put up. The whole set can be seen here.

I can see you dancing with three other dancers in rehearsal. It's a room on the second floor and one wall is all mirrors and one wall is all windows from ceiling to floor. There is an office building across the street so they can watch you and the other dancers practice. The room is full of warm sun and the heat from it combines with the heat and sweat off of your bodies. You have been working for over 3 hours on your latest dance and it's finally coming together. The music fills the room as you gracefully turn and run and jump into each others arms.

Even though you have this dance down perfectly and it's cemented in your brain you keep messing up on one particular move. You are messing it up on purpose. It's when you are full center stage and you turn and run as fast as you can and leap through the air with your arms spread wide and fall into the waiting strong arms of your other three dancers. Then they slowly help you turn over, face up with arms spread wide and bring you back to your feet to face the audience. You have also been complaining about your new tights and how they feel great but when you land in their arms they are sliding down your legs and bothering you. In reality all problems have been made up by you and orchestrated in a rich plan created by you last night. Laying hints here and saying the right thing there all come together and are activated by you when you give your dancers your look. You have used it before and it is your finest tool (other than your gorgeous cock) and you know how and when to use it and that time is now.

You turn and stand one more time facing an imaginary audience, naked chest and your new very sheer tights you picked out for just this situation. Arms outstretched and with a sly smirk you turn and run abandon with eyes closed jumping at the perfect second into the air and landing confidently into the arms of your men. You feel every muscle in their arms flex as you land perfectly and precisely. You pause for a quick breath then begin to roll over in their arms with a little help from their bulging biceps slick with sweat. As you reach your full on face up position you open your eyes and look directly into the eyes of the hottest dancer Eric on your left and let him see into your thoughts. He quickly receives your message and blushes. You then turn your attention to Drew on your left. The dark curly hair falling around his eyes, large and black and give him the same knowing glance. He too turns red but continues to look back at you. Finally you tilt your head back and smile fully until your eyes meet James. He smiles back as a drop of his hot sweat falls upon your cheek. "New tights still bothering you Naakul?" he asks. You just smile bigger and laugh a little as they lay you down on the hard floor. Eric reaches out and puts his hand on your crotch and says "oh wow, they do seem a bit tight don't they?" "well I guess they will have to come off if we are going to get this move right" Drew states as he looks into the eyes of Eric and James then back at you. "Sounds good to me" you say "and it's about time you figured that one out" you add.

Eric and Drew stick their thumbs under the snug waistband and begin to pull letting the cool air rush against the sweat covering your legs and crotch. Your cock springs free and your balls fall and relax against your muscled thighs. "But now I'm naked and you're not" you say. "It's not like those tights left anything to the imagination, says James adding, I guess we'll have to get naked too so you don't feel uncomfortable" You sit up and lean back against your hands behind you taking in the site as three gorgeous, toned men strip off what little they are wearing and stand surrounding you naked. Within seconds your rod is pumped full of lust blood and standing straight up. "Looks like we have a new move to work on guys" says James behind you as he puts his hands under your arms and pulls you up to a standing position. He immediately wraps his arms around you as you can feel his hard slippery sweat covered cock slide up the crack of your firm ass and press up against the small of your back. He holds you tight as Eric and Drew move up tight against you and start kissing your face and neck and shoulders all while rubbing their engorged shafts against your legs. They grind their hips into each side of you while James crushes your ass with his powerful hips and steel hard cock. You stand their weak in your knees as every inch of you is surrounded by hard, furry, sweaty blood filled bodies. You think you could almost let your knees go and you would not slip to the ground but be suspended inside this triangle of muscled man flesh.

Hot breath flows in every direction around your head as you all begin to writhe together as one. Suddenly James pushes Drew and Eric apart and wraps his arms around you even tighter and using his incredible arms, lifts you off the ground. You feel light headed as you realise his rock hard cock is sliding back down your ass crack and closer to the base. He grunts as he arches back and finally gets the head of his steely dick to slip between your ass and with only a dancers precision, slowly guides his dick between your firm yet giving ass flesh to find your glorious, hot steaming hole. You are all so oily and sweaty that you don't need any lube and the throbbing helmet of his rod is pushing up against your sphincter as you give out a quick yelp when you realize how helpless you are to slow his entrance let alone stop him. It's not that you want to stop him because this is exactly what you have been needing for days now. You open your eyes to see your reflection in the wall mirrors and you see your mouth wide open like it's screaming in silence and your hair matted against your forehead. Then you see your wood dick bouncing between your legs sticking up so high and reaching heights you have never seen it do on it's own before. You also see Drew and Eric standing there with cocks in hands, jerking away and watching you as James' dick keeps pushing up into you. Eric and Drew let go of their cocks and move back to you and each grabs a leg and lifts it as high as it will go so you can watch as that magnificent rod slides into your hungry ass. You let out a moan as he lowers you all the way and his cock disappears into you, filling you. With Eric and Drew supporting you James lets go of your chest and reaches between your legs and starts jerking your cock and rolling your hot balls in his hands. The boys on each side lift and lower you in synchronous rhythm so James' cock shoves all the way in filling you until you can't take anymore to just keeping the pounding head in your blazing ass. You stare in amazement as these three hot men work you like a fuck doll. Taking full advantage of your desire.

Just when you think you can't take anymore they bend pull you off James and he slides out with a "pop" making you groan with emptiness. You don't have much time to distress about not being filled with dick as they turn you and put you back down on the floor and bend you over. Drew moves to the front of you and places his hand under your chin and pulls your face up to look into his eyes and says "my turn to feel the inside of you" as he moves his hips forward and shoves his pulsing dick into your mouth and down your throat and begins to pump you with his manflesh. Just as you are getting used to having a mouthful of delicious cock you feel James' hands on your hips and hear him say "I'm not done with that sweet ass just yet" and plunges his 10 inches of sperm shaft back into your hot ass. Your mind reels as your body is slammed at both ends with huge thrusting rods. Just as your thoughts are lost in the rhythmic pounding of your mouth and butt hole you feel a warm set of lips wrap themselves around your unbelievably hard shaft. Eric is underneath you sucking on your throbbing cock like it's the last one on earth. You loose track of time and reality as the triple perfection of pounding cocks and sucking warm mouths drive you into a pleasure you have never felt before. Every inch of your body is screaming in pain and pleasure at the same time. Eric then grabs your balls and pulls on your nuts sending shock waves through every inch of your body. You want to scream but Drews cock is having too much fun filling your slimy mouth. You groan loud and deep until the pain turns that corner and adds to the intense pleasure running through every inch of you. Cocks pounding, sweat dripping, wet mouths sucking, balls slamming into your ass and chin. Everyone of you is moaning and grunting and lost in sexual ecstasy. Then just when you are lost in pure lust and think it can't get any better you look to your left. Out the windows that go from floor to ceiling and you see this gorgeous hot guy sitting on his desk in an office across the street. His tie is hanging over his shoulder his shirt unbuttoned and exposing his tight stomach and chest as it heaves with pleasure. His pants hanging around his shoes off the side of the desk and the biggest shaft you've ever seen being beaten like a crazy man with both of his hands. The look on his face and the fact that he and probably many others are watching as you get fucked and face pounded puts you over the edge as you explode with more fuck force and sexual release than you can imagine. Every fiber of your body and every muscle and nerve come together in your stretched out balls as more cum than you thought you could ever make in one shoot begins to flow and blow from your sticky shaft in between Eric's' burning lips.

The oneness you felt with your sexual trio moves through all of them as you feel James cum shoot hard, rushed and deep into your ass. Drew's load hits the back of your throat and fills your mouth, spilling out of your lips and down your chin onto Eric's face as he chokes down as much of your steaming cum as he can. You look back just in time to see the window of the jerkers office blotted out with spray after spray of man juice that never seems to stop.

Then you feel that perfect moment when you feel like you can explode with sexual pleasure and collapse with sexual release at the same time. You cannot talk or say even a word. You cannot make a single muscle of your body move. You don't care that you are covered and filled with hot cum and dripping with sweat in front of an office building full of now frustrated workers. It's because you just had one of the most incredible orgasms your body will ever feel. All you can do is fall to the floor in a heap of hot flesh and wait for your energy to return.

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