I really love that hanging penis between your legs! let me strip down to my skin and come in the shower with you. i will hug your legs, and crouch down underneath you, letting the water cover me after it covers you. I will raise my mouth up towards your firm testicles, first licking them and watching them move, and then wholeheartedly taking one and then another into my mouth and sucking, gently, as your floppy cock rests on my cheek, running water down its tip and onto my chest, tickling my nipple, i can feel its weight and heat and pulse on my cheek and i can feel it rising away from my face, so before it gets to far, i catch you in my mouth, and ring my tongue around the hood as i taste hot water and warm salty precum on my tongue, i look up at you with wide eyes, as i feel the engorged member fill my mouth...
i took it, like a dirty little boy toy, my eyes staring at yours my mouth agape...i have the head of your cock in my mouth and its scrapping against the roof of my mouth...i make a humming sound to vibrate it, and giggle, smiling up at you innocently as my penis rises up...you push my head back onto you, and i take it down a bit more, my throat all of a suden filled up and my eyes wide with surprise...i come up for air and pull of your erection, trails of saliva and precum from my lips to your member...but then you push me back on, and then again, and i learn the game, bobbing back ond forth on you feeling you swell up in my mouth and throat, and feeling your heavy balls slapping against my chin...
i reach down with the on hand not holding your cock, and stroke myself, playing with my foreskin, and touching my nipples, and look longingly at you as you pull me up for a kiss, your tongue in my mouth and my cock rubbing yours, both hard and both dripping. i go back down and suck you more and more, the precum flowing slaty and warm, down my lips and out onto my chin and down my chest, and the moment it hits my balls, i moan, and rub your juice all over my cock and abs and chest and bum.....you pull me up for another kis, my young body writhing in your arms with passion, and you pull me to the bedroom
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Saturday, November 12, 2011
So I'm gonna buy some new underwear and I want your opinion
Whichever i chose, I will do a set in them of pictures...
So, out of these 4, which one?
boxer briefs
a g-string
a thong
or regular briefs?
Help me choose by voting on the left!
So, out of these 4, which one?
boxer briefs
a g-string
a thong
or regular briefs?
Help me choose by voting on the left!
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Democratic Grooming Results
12 of you want me to grow it out and 10 want me to shave it all...so I guess I'm growing it out unless some of you 10 convince me otherwise!
Happy, um trails!